With the boys swimming season coming to a close, many of the swimmers are looking back on the memories they made this year and reflecting on their very successful season. This year alone the boys swim team were able to beat school rivals Chaminade and Francis Howell, in addition to setting a new school record, and sending at least four events to state. However, when sophomore Adam Decker was asked what he was looking forward to most for the team next year he said,
“I’m looking forward to more great times and even better wins with these guys.” Decker said, “[This team has] impacted my life in that I learned that there isn’t just the bloodline family, that there can be a family of people you have no relation to but being in a team, I feel like my teammates are like my brothers.”
Sophomore Colin Williams agrees that one of the best parts about the team is the encouragement they give one another.
“We are such a supportive team, which I really like,” Williams said, “It helps to motivate everyone, it’s all motivation or support. Everyone is cheering for everyone and when you hear that it’s like, ‘Well they want me to do better.’”
Senior Cameron Zalmanoff reflected back on the season and said he believes that the team was especially close this year not only because they were all so supportive of each other, but because they were able to stay supportive of each other even when they were facing an especially tough match.
“Because we [were] swimming against our rivals, it increase[d] our team’s drive to beat our opponents. We feel more excited to work together a defend against our biggest rival,” Zalmanoff said, “[the cheering] definitely helps to relieve some of the stress… We are still able to bond and have a great time no matter the outcome of every meet. We always have a lot of fun on the team.”
The boys swim team has been especially successful this year because of all the time and effort they poured into every meet. For more information about the team’s upcoming meet on Thursday click on the link below in order to see a full practice schedule. http://fhsdfhc.sharpschool.net/UserFiles/Servers/Server_999228/File/Sports/Fall%202017/Boys%20Swim3.pdf