Amelia Vohsen
The boys swim team prepared to dive into the pool during a practice. The practice was a night that was supposed to be a meet but the meet got cancelled.
Since September 3 2020 the Boys Swim and Dive Team has been on a hiatus of sorts since COVID-19 has postponed or cancelled multiple swim meets. This has caused a lot of strain on the teams swimmers including sophomore Jeremiah Gabel.
“It’s been pretty rough on us overall because we have to reschedule and make adjustments that not everyone really likes,” Gabel said. “[However] we are still sticking together and making it through.”
Gabel and the rest of the team are trying to keep their spirits high despite all the setbacks.
“We all have the same spirit we had before this craziness happened,” Gabel said. “We just wonder what our future will be in coming years if no one joins.”
Gabel expresses that because of COVID-19 not a lot of people had joined swim and dive, which makes it difficult for them.
“Some people have to swim a lot more than last year,” Gabel said. “I at least see that some of us are having fun with the season [since] it doesn’t feel super competitive.”
While the swimmers themselves find this season stressful more so than usual, their manager Emma Willis believes in their abilities.
“I don’t think [cancellations and postponements] affected their swimming all that much besides the fact they have one less day to swim,” Willis said. “[But] of course it’s a little bit upsetting when you first hear but, it doesn’t mean they swim any faster or slower the next meet.”
Willis can sense the emotional tension this season so far has been causing the team although she is not always with them.
“[Their spirits aren’t high] that I’ve seen,” Willis said. “I don’t go to [their] practices.”
Willis puts blame on the lack of team mates the swim and dives boys have this year.
“Because of the small team size they are constantly racing and that’s very exhausting,” Willis said. “[Sometimes] the meets are dreaded for that reason.”
Despite those issues, Willis highly respects the amount of dedication the boys have.
“I have so much respect for them continuing to go and work as hard as they can,” Willis said. “Even more so the weeks they have two to three meets.”