Mrs. Shockley laughs with her students in AP Literature. She has gotten to know her students throughout the year, and has built bonds with students.
Teacher Appreciation Week 2017
Emily Mann, Print Executive Editor
This week publications students appreciate their teachers with sincere thank you’s in honor of Teacher Appreciation Week. Throughout the week the students placed index cards throughout their teacher’s room with quirky notes, puns, and thoughts of gratitude. Friday, there will be a reverse silver shield, where the students award the teachers and say thank you for all they do.

Super Schott
Thank you for being you and letting me be me. Your room has become a home and I can't imagine high school without publications or you or this room. You have had a bigger impact on me than you will ever know. I appreciate all the time you put in and all the days you let us stay after to work on things and sometimes not work on things. You are someone who is always there to check on me and I promise I ...

Creative Crain
CC rain thank you for being a wonderful person and an amazing friend. you have been a extremely big influence on me and have impacted me in so many ways. thank you for exemplifying happiness every day in and out of your classroom and reminding me to smile! thank you for always believing in me and pushing me to live up to my full potential. thank you for being an inspiring person, and having su...

Boisterous Beckmann
When I first walked into your classroom, I was very intimidated by you. I don’t know how I could have been afraid of a suburban dad who really cared about his lawn, but I was. I was looking forward to taking your class. Unlike your typical teenager, I’ve always had a passion for politics and government. I was excited and ready to learn everything you knew. You exceeded my expectations last ...

Beautiful Baize
Why I love Basil: Mrs. Baize is just a joy to be around. She is always happy, and if she isn’t she tries to pretend she is even though we can all tell, but she keeps on that smile anyway. She’s also super adorable when she talks on the phone with her husband and kids. She loves so hard and I am honored that I and my teammates have made our way into her heart. Baize has been with me through it al...

Mirthful Morrow
Mrs. Morrow was the first math teacher I had in high school; she was everything I needed in an introduction to high school. In fact, the first day of school I was terrified of getting lost going to my next class so she gave me a map drawn with the way so I could find my way. She even introduced me to someone in the class that had the same next class so I had a buddy! She was passionate and she...

Radical rowe
Here’s a rundown on my appreciated teacher, Mrs. Rowe. Rowe is one of the coolest teachers you’ll ever have. She is passionate about what she teaches and about the students she has. She goes into crazy detail about genetics, and somehow makes it enjoyable for everyone. If you’re unsure about what classes to take next year, she’ll tell you the do’s and dont’s of teachers. She’s an amazing...

Radiant Reed
I don’t make a habit of liking teachers. Don’t know why. Maybe I just have a lack of respect for authority figures, I’m not sure. In three years of high school, I’ve had over 20 classes, and I can tell you I was not excited to walk through the door into any of them, save one. ZoBot, sophomore year, fourth hour, was the funnest class I have ever had. Bar none. Why? It’s taught by the most ...

Great Griffin
Words cannot begin to explain my gratitude towards you. I’ve never had a teacher show so much patience with me. You’ve seen this potential in me that I didn’t even know I had. I just want to thank you for pushing me past my limits. I’m sure you’ve heard this numerous times, but I truly wouldn't be where I am today without you, Mr. Messerli, or this band program. You’ve given me so many oppo...

Rockin’ Rulo
Thank you, Ms. Rulo, for reminding me how much I enjoy math. I’ve always been challenged in the subject, but you made it a fun challenge. I wanted to come to class every day, I wanted to do homework, I wanted to succeed in your class. Your determination to teach made my determination to learn so much better. I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed a class as much as I enjoyed yours. -Elizabeth G...
Happy Holmes
Mr. Holmes I know that Mr. Holmes isn’t considered a teacher, but he’s a teacher to me: a “What-To-Do-With-Your-Life” teacher. I couldn’t thank Mr. Holmes enough for all that he has done for me in the past four years of my high school career. He’s straightforward, to the point, but also very supportive at the same time. He’s never been mushy or condescending, which I respect more t...

Lovely Larue
Mrs. Larue AH Mrs. LaRue is my favorite person ever. Thank you Mrs. LaRue for everything you’ve done for me the past year and a half. You work so, so hard for every single one of your students. You are so dedicated with everything you do, inside and outside of the classroom. You have grrrr8 fashion and the best smelling room in the entire school. I’m super pumped to go to Italy with you share s...

Magical Miller
Doctora Miller is one of the most understanding teachers I have ever had in my high school career. Having her for Spanish V has been a blessing. She understands the struggles of being a senior in high school and doing more than just attending her class. There have been days where she just understands there is a chemistry test and a psychology test and a physics test and she will literally say, “Your...

Super Schafer
Schafer- Mrs. Schafer is one of those teachers that if she’s having a bad day, it doesn’t mean you have to have a bad one too. Her children were both in the hospital and she still made a point to see us and she didn’t take out her frustrations of her current situation on us, something that I know I couldn’t do. She is so positive and really urges her students to look on the bright side of ...

Magnificent Mair
I had Mrs. Mair for my first three years at Francis Howell Central. I didn’t think Spanish would ever be one of my favorite subjects, but after I had Mrs. Mair, I have a huge passion for the Spanish language and even want to continue studying it in college. Coming into my freshmen year, I was extremely nervous and shy being that I had come from a private school with five kid in my eighth grade...

Knowledgable Kelley
Dear Mrs. Kelley, I want to personally thank you for being a great teacher and overall a great person, whether you know it or not you are honestly a huge influencer to the kids you teach. You bring a happy face to school and you always make everyone laugh, whether you're roasting someone or telling a corny joke about history. Most kids enjoy being in your class because you make it fun. Think abo...
Newsworthy Nelson
The hardest part of leaving high school for me will definitely be saying goodbye to my home in the theater department that I’ve spent countless hours in since my freshman year. Working on production after production backstage has gifted me with more life skills and lessons than any classroom I’ve ever stepped foot in, and will be something I treasure long past my years in high school. After the...

Fabulous Fay
To me, the one thing that defines Mrs. Fay more than anything else is her incredible capacity for empathy. She’s the first teacher I’ve had who truly understands us - our lives, our struggles, our enormous dreams, and our shattering pitfalls. She has a tangible sense of presence anywhere she goes - reminiscent to that of Mr. Keating in Dead Poets Society, which she showed us in class on her own volitio...

Lovable Lober
I remember when I was a really awkward Sophomore, and I didn’t talk to you at all when I was in your class. A lot has changed since then. Now as a senior, I always look forward to your class at the end of the day. Ok learning about Joseph the second’s social reforms in Austria isn’t as exciting as the last few units were, but I still love your class. DJ Lobeezy, you always crack me u...

Kind Koz
When I first met Mr. Koz on the first day of sophomore year, it was immediately apparent that I was in good hands - for what people told me was one of the hardest subjects in the school. Since that day, I’ve learned what it’s like to be taught by one of the most devoted, hard-working, knowledgeable, organized people I’ve ever met. Sometimes I imagine what it would be like to learn chemistry at ...

Awesome Ahearn
Mrs. Ahearn Mrs. Ahearn is a wonderful woman. From my first meeting with her freshman year to my most recent one this year, she has always given me amazing advice, supported my ideas, and introduced me to great opportunities. Because of her, I was able to join a program that really lets me get first-hand experience with what I want to do for the rest of my life. She recommended me to go to a le...

Radiant Roznos
Coming into French this year I thought I was doomed. I took a huge risk, not knowing if I would sink or swim. When I walked into French the first day of school, I instantly knew I would be fine. Ms. Roznos is everything I could ask for in a French teacher. In class on a day-to-day basis she pushes us to be the best we can be. She encourages us to try things even though we might not know how to...

Selfless Schneider
Obviously Schneider has been anything a teacher could ever hope to be. He has taught with such conviction, you cannot help but understand, and even with minimal studying, his preparation left me with everything I needed for the AP test. His class was organized, fun, and easy to manage. Throughout the year, he assured us that all he wanted each night was 30 to 45 minutes of our best work, and I’ll b...

Amazingly Artistic Allen
Coming into your class every day at the end of the day was always something to look forward to because after a long day of bubble sheets, lectures, and busy work, coming into your class last semester in seventh hour was always so relaxing. One of my favorite parts about Ceramics was that, although there was always the “big idea” that we had to create something from and get inspiration from, any i...

Marvelous McCoy
Dear Mr McCoy, To be honest, I don’t know how to completely articulate how much I appreciate you, but I’m going to try. Walking into your classroom, I had no idea the emotional roller coaster I would be riding. All semester I struggled so much, all the way up to the final. I started to even debate my major (double major with Aerospace and Mechanical engineering). Yet, I still enjoyed com... • Copyright 2025 • FLEX WordPress Theme by SNO • Log in
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