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Mrs. Shockley laughs with her students in AP Literature. She has gotten to know her students throughout the year, and has built bonds with students.

Teacher Appreciation Week 2017

This week publications students appreciate their teachers with sincere thank you’s in honor of Teacher Appreciation Week. Throughout the week the students placed index cards throughout their teacher’s room with quirky notes, puns, and thoughts of gratitude. Friday, there will be a reverse silver shield, where the students award the teachers and say thank you for all they do.

Super Schott
Creative Crain
Boisterous Beckmann
Beautiful Baize
Mirthful Morrow
Radical rowe
Radiant Reed
Great Griffin
Rockin’ Rulo

Happy Holmes

Laura Weiss, Staff photographer

Mr. Holmes I know that Mr. Holmes isn’t considered a teacher, but he’s a teacher to me: a “What-To-Do-With-Your-Life” teacher. I couldn’t thank Mr. Holmes enough for all that he has done for me in the past four years of my high school career. He’s straightforward, to the point, but also very supportive at the same time. He’s never been mushy or condescending, which I respect more t...

Lovely Larue
Magical Miller
Super Schafer
Magnificent Mair
Knowledgable Kelley

Newsworthy Nelson

Michael Lloyd, Staff reporters

The hardest part of leaving high school for me will definitely be saying goodbye to my home in the theater department that I’ve spent countless hours in since my freshman year. Working on production after production backstage has gifted me with more life skills and lessons than any classroom I’ve ever stepped foot in, and will be something I treasure long past my years in high school. After the...

Fabulous Fay
Lovable Lober
Kind Koz
Awesome Ahearn
Radiant Roznos
Selfless Schneider
Amazingly Artistic Allen
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