Teacher Appreciation 2018
Letters from staff letting teachers know how much the student body appreciate all their hard work

Mrs. Elisabeth Baird
When I first walked into her classroom she took me underneath her wing. She made me love music again. Mrs. Baird cares about everyone who walks through her doors. She accepts them with open arms and helps them out in any way she can. I am so thankful for the last four years I have gotten to know Mrs. Baird. She definitely earned the name Momma Baird and she will always be Momma Baird. ...

Sra. Caitlin Crain
When I think of Sra. Crain, I think of the word light. She, to me, is the shining light of FHC always having a bubbly, happy attitude towards school and towards life. She isn’t afraid to be herself, no matter who is watching, and that is how I will always aspire to be. When I first came to FHC the boy who was showing me around to my classes read “Caitlin Crain” on my schedule and he said, “...

Mr. Scott Dauve
Chloe Bockhorst: Going into biology my sophomore, I was excited - but that excitement was diluted with doubt. Science had not been my strong suit in previous years, and I had many reasons to think my grade would be subpar in the class. My doubts soon dissolved; Dauve’s lectures were far from boring, and everything taught was going to directly help on the test. For the first time since I could r...

Ms. Julie Gronek
Mrs. Gronek was gone for the first week of the school year on maternity leave. I had no idea who she was, or how great of a teacher she would be. When the class finally got to meet her, we all knew that this year in Gov would be great. Exuberant is described as unrestrained, especially with regard to feelings. Mrs. Gronek embodies that fully. She never puts her personal opinions in her teachings when ...

Mr. Donald Lober
Loberlicious. The meaning behind this adjective has never been defined in a dictionary. It’s never been a required word on an English vocab test. And yet, if you go up to any AP European History/ Pre-AP World History student in Donald Lober’s class and ask what it means, they will smile, or maybe laugh a little bit, and know exactly what I’m talking about. Part of it is total originality; you can cer...

Ms. Tiffany Macmillan
Mrs. Macmillan understands that every student has 6 other classes that we have to attend everyday, she gets that after all that learning, we tend to become a little lazy and unresponsive to the lessons she teaches. Knowing all of this, Mrs. Macmillan will reteach and explain things until every student in the classroom can teach it themselves. She only wants the best for every student, and will pre...

Mr. Ryan McCoy
But why? Mr. Mccoy is one of the most energetic teachers at FHC, his passion for physics is unmatched by those of his colleagues. He will get on tables to demonstrate Newton’s laws, and shout at the top of his lungs when it all comes together. This man truly loves teaching, and that is something I really appreciate. He does everything in his power to help his students understand what’...

Mr. David Range
Vigorous. A word with the powerful meaning of strength and full of energy and devotion. This is the best word that would describe your teaching and impact on students throughout each school year. To my favorite teacher. To the teacher that has truly made an impact on my education here at Francis Howell Central. While in your class you showed that you had a real fire for wanting to educate ki...

Mr. Andrew Messerli
When he’s on the podium, he’s not there to be paid to teach us how to play our instrument. He’s there to help us become better musicians. He truly cares about us and we know that by looking at how he treats us and what he does for us as a director. He does all he can to keep us motivated. One of the things he’s told us that has helped me keep trying is when we play a wrong note or rhythm, it...

Mr. Patrick Reed
PJ Sheehan: Mr. Reed always has constant energy for the 7th Zobot class and is always teaching us new things in a consistently intriguing and entertaining form. When it comes to 7th hour I am drained by all the other classes I had to force my way through, but Mr. Reed keeps me awake with his energized teaching and jokes throughout the class. He helped me stay awake through the last hou...

Mr. Jeremy Rohrbach
Freshman year, one of the sparse freshman in a room full of sophomores, I was shy, I was quiet, I was scared, I was alone. Surely, I was alone - I didn’t know anyone. Surely I had to keep to myself and be sure not to disrupt everyone around me. Well, that was, until Mr. Jeremy Rohrbach convinced me otherwise. When I was asked if I would like to participate in another year of teacher appreciation...

Mrs. Ann Ross
When I walked into you Desktop publishing class on the first day of school, I knew I was going to like this class and you as a teacher. You always give off a good vibe because you always find the positive in things and you always have a smile on your face. It is why I think you are a amazing teacher, and amazing person all around. I have had many great teachers in my 4 years of high school, but you...

Ms. Amy Roznos
I don’t believe I’ve ever had a viable reason to use this word other than my French teacher, Madame Roznos. She is the embodiment of rad, from the industrial piercing to the French puns she wears on her shirt. For the two years I’ve had Mme. Roznos, I have not found a teacher who is more unique or in touch with her quirky side than her. I see that French is not a conventional class like math ...

Mrs. Kimberly Schellert
You are not only a great coach, but a great person. You love the game of soccer, but it's more than just coaching to you, which is my favorite part about you. You love building a connection with your players, watching us make memories together, growing up into mature adults, and getting to go to the next level. Oh and how could I forget about all the snacks you give me. You never let me go hungry ...

Mr. Matthew Schott
Sophomore year, when we were signing up for teachers for teacher appreciation, I remember thinking about how Schott would be my teacher senior year. Already, he had changed my life. Already, he had made enough of an impact on me for me to know I would not only still be in room 139 senior year but that Schott would still be my favorite teacher. So here you go: the teacher appreciation that’s been in the wo...

Mrs. Patty Shockley
Of all characteristics that compose the spirit of a wonderful educator, there are three things, to me, that define it. To be phenomenal, a teacher must demonstrate competence, understanding the extent and depth of their field; dynamism, having a hard-working, adaptive attitude; and empathy, allowing them to further view education from our shoes—those of students. In my time at FHC, through four cy...

Mrs. Kelly Staback
It’s evident how much Mrs.Staback cares about her job through the way she teaches. Her excitement on trying new assignments or activities with her students, the disappointment when students aren’t as excited as she was. The energy behind what she does and how she says things. She’s a teacher who shows her love of what she does, through what she does. It is one of the main reasons as to why I...

Ms. Cori Stallard
Mrs. Stallard isn’t a teacher that I am enrolled in a class with, however, she is one of my favorites. Although I’m not taking one of her classes, I feel closer with her than I do with any other. Mrs. Stallard puts up with a lot of stuff from her theater kids, and she still manages to pull off amazing shows twice a year. She was pregnant with a child, and she was still directing a play with hig...

Teacher Appreciation Timelapse

Ms. Christina Young
It is near the end of another school year and the struggle bus is full of students (me included) But somehow you seem to make everything easier. You always know what to do to help keep us from stressing out and keeping us calm. One thing I will remember is when we fail tests or quizzes you never get mad you just say “the grade doesn’t define who you are.” Thank you for being someone we can al...
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