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Mr. David Range



Vigorous. A word with the powerful meaning of strength and full of energy and devotion. This is the best word that would describe your teaching and impact on students throughout each school year. To my favorite teacher. To the teacher that has truly made an impact on my education here at Francis Howell Central. While in your class you showed that you had a real fire for wanting to educate kids and make a difference. You made sure to always bring a positive attitude to class. Even on those dreaded Mondays. You always take the time to make sure everybody understands the lesson, and if not you try every alternate method there is in the book. Class was always fun, Even if it was a topic as boring as punnett squares or something exciting as watching animals fight on National Geographic. My favorite moment from your class, and a moment I’ll never forget, is when you let us watch Animal Planet for a straight week to show us examples of mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism. Thank you for being the best Homosapien there is. • Copyright 2025 • FLEX WordPress Theme by SNOLog in

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