Coach Radigan assists a student with pull-ups.
Coach Radigan
Junior Kierigan McEvoy admires Coach Radigan for his ability to keep up with pop culture.
Music. It’s all about the music. From hardcore rap to The Greatest Showman soundtrack to 80’s rock to High School Musical. Coach Radigan’s got it all. His ability to identify and enjoy so many different types of music is directly related to his ability to care and identify with so many different types of students. He makes it a priority to care about his students, to have fun, but also to work hard. Coach Radigan is the advanced weight lifting teacher and trains many FHC sports teams throughout the year. His energy in the weight room is contagious and his dedication praiseworthy. I think that many athletes would agree with me in saying that they are the competitors they are today thanks to the motivation of Coach radigan.
Thank you Coach for being an inspiration to us. Thank you for teaching us that hard work and fun go hand in hand. Thank you for the hours of time you put in to cultivating not only our body’s physical fitness but also our minds. Thank you for being a music lover and dance enthusiast. Thank you for being a kid at heart and relating to us. Thank you for believing in us, our dreams, our goals, and our aspirations.