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Update: St. Charles County Sees First COVID-19 Death

March 24, 2020

In a KMOV4 update, St. Charles County saw its first death related to COVID-19. A man in his 70s was hospitalized for the virus, and passed away Monday evening.

CNN shared that Wuhan, the city in China most associated with being the focal point of early COVID-19 concerns, will have it’s lockdown lifted on April 8. Many parts of Hubei, the Providence which Wuhan is the capital of, will lift their lockdowns on Wednesday. This appears to be a pivotal point in the fight against the coronavirus outbreak in China. Today they reported one new case of the virus, a significant reduction from the thousands of new cases daily that were being reported during the height of the epidemic.

Also today, ESPN reported that the 2020 Tokyo Olympics have officially been postponed until 2021. Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe and International Olympic Committee president Thomas Bach announced that the Summer Olympics will still be called Olympic and Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020, and the flame will be stored and displayed in Fukushima. This is the first time an Olympic date has been altered for any reason other than war.


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