Mrs. Fetsch celebrates, with her FHC family, being cancer free! Even a pandemic could not stop teachers, students, and administrators from doing something a little special for a very special person.
Celebrating Our F.A.M.I.L.Y Quarantine Style
In a time of solitude and sorrow, there is still joy. There is still hope. There is still community. To honor math teacher Roxanne Fetsch, who has been battling leukemia throughout the past few years, teachers, administrators, and students got together to plan something big. Mrs. Fetsch recently found out that she is cancer-free. To celebrate this huge milestone, teachers and students caravanned to her house with signs and balloons and conducted a drive-by, honking and screaming in excitement for their FHC family member. In the midst of this pandemic, COVID-19 looks like joy. Joy for realizing how lucky we are to have people to celebrate and cheer on, together, as a family no matter the six-foot distance.