Both the sunlight streaming in and the infectious smiles McCune gives to her student brighten up the classroom. Ms. McCune’s kind personality and warm smile is an inviting break from the monotony of the school day.
Michelle Anne McCune
Mrs. McCune,
If someone asked me who the sweetest person I ever met was, there is no doubt in my mind that I would tell them all about you. Mrs. McCune, you never fail to brighten my day. Your contagious smile makes chatting with you so fun. You are the human embodiment of a ray of sunshine.
AP Art History was just supposed to be my fine arts credit, but you turned it into so much more. It is obvious to all of your art historians just how much you love art history. You speak with such a loving tone that can turn the dullest architectural feature into a masterpiece. I LOVED your class, and as I start planning out my college courseload, I’m hesitant to take an art history course because I don’t think the professor could ever live up to you. You are so knowledgeable about every piece which is insanely impressive, and you do it all with a smile which is even more so.
Aside from teaching, you do so much to make your classroom an oasis for students. You supply us with hot chocolate, mints, and most importantly a safe place. There’s a reason so many people flock to your room for NAHS meetings. No, not the snacks, you. Every person who speaks with you leaves feeling valued and cared for. For some students, talking to you can be the only time they feel this way which makes all that you do so important and inspiring.
Someday I may forget what a flying buttress is or what it means for a painting to be rococo, but I will always remember how spending time with you made me feel. Mrs. McCune, you have brought so much light and joy into my life and that is something I will take with me wherever I go. Thank you.
-Hannah Bernard