Ms. Young helps her student with a question while her exciting room and outfits surround her. Ms. Young wears fun, vibrant outfits alongside her bright classroom to better the day of her students. By creating a colorful classroom, she can make her classroom a fun learning environment.
Christina Young
Ms. Young or should I say Mrs. Lentz, I cannot thank you enough for everything you have done for me in just the two amazing years I got to have you as a teacher. You have been an amazing role model for me and you have taught me that as important as it is to be a hard worker and take things serious that you also have to allow yourself to have fun and goof around because if you’re not allowing yourself to have some fun you’re truly not doing something that you are passionate about along with creating memories to look back on in the future. You care and show each and everyone of your students the attention you know they deserve. You make a room full of students looking at their phones become attentive and lift their heads because they know in the end you are one of the only teachers here that cares enough to ask about more than their homework. You create hard workers in your class along with a classroom environment unlike others. You create a safe space and a place where you can have fun but also get your work done and actually know who you are sitting by because no matter what you make sure that everyone’s name is known not only by you but all their peers in the room as well. I would also like to thank you for allowing me to become one of your mentors this year. It’s been an experience unlike others; getting to walk in and hear about all your road rage stories, the morning with dog poop ;), wedding prep, and all your other fun life events has been amazing. Along with getting to work with the freshman; I was a little nervous at first just because as silly as this sounds being a senior, freshman scared me a little bit. I didn’t know what to expect as well as I didn’t know if I was going to be the mentor they needed. But through this experience I’ve learned that what I was worrying about was silly because one I realized that I wasn’t a freshman that long ago and all they really want is to feel like they aren’t the new kids on the block and that they want to fit in, two that even if I wasn’t the perfect fit of a mentor for them I would always do everything I could to help along as find someone for them that may do the task better, and three all of the Friday circles have allowed me to not only get to know everyone better but also understand everyone’s story a little better and a constant reminder that everyone has their own stuff going on that we don’t know and that’s why it’s so important to have patience with one another. You Ms. Lentz are a teacher I most certainly will never forget about. You’re just like the sun, you have a light that will never dull and you are surrounded by many people who are so happy to have in their lives. I hope you continue to enjoy your teaching journey and just know that any student is extremely lucky to have you as their teacher.
Thank you again once for everything,
Maya Culian