Beckman looks at his favorite type of cookie, chocolate chip.
Mr. Beckmann
Dear Mr. Beckmann,
I still remember the giddy feeling I had last January signing up to take AP Government and Politics. History, government, and politics were always my favorite subjects in and outside of school. Starting in middle school, I began talking about politics with my parents. We would often disagree on most issues, causing me to question the notion that one’s political views are shaped by their families. I was in love with the idea of having an entire class period every day dedicated to discussing governmental topics. Nothing could have possibly prepared me for the teacher I was soon to meet.
Walking into your classroom, I immediately notice the ceiling panels decorated with dozens of political references, and goofy adaptations of political terminology. I glance to my right and see MAGA hats resting next to a Trump wrestling figure. I turn my head left, only to see Micheal Scott(Prison Mike) and a pride flag. In recent years we have become so accustomed to inferring the political views of every individual we meet. Needless to say, me and my friends have endlessly questioned and debated your political leanings, with our consensus changing constantly throughout the year. Your perspectives have certainly proven to be non-partisan, which is becoming more and more uncommon in this period of intense polarization. You engage directly with your students in a way I have never seen from any educator. Learning about government is made infinitely more fun by your willingness to directly participate in conversation with your students. Never before have I had a teacher who is willing to spend twenty minutes bickering about governmental seat belt regulations, or spend the beginning of class ranking student’s chocolate chip cookies. Though we often end up in disagreement I have come to better respect opinions which differ from my own, whilst learning countless new perspectives which challenge my own beliefs and assertions.
Even though your class is incredibly difficult, It has always been a place for me to wind down, and engage in conversations about the topics I deeply care about. Your ability to kickstart conversation, alongside your enthusiasm for government results in a truly remarkable class, which I and many others will never forget. You are the best government teacher I could have possibly asked for, and I’m grateful to have had you throughout this school year.
See you in contemporary issues next fall!!!
With deep appreciation, Amity Ianiri
Mr. Beckmann,
To be perfectly honest, I wasn’t really fond of you in the beginning. The sarcastic jokes and jabs at students didn’t initially land with me. But over time, it has become abundantly apparent that we are far more alike than I’d like to admit. You are secretly a softie, and I’m apparently a 40-year-old man mentally.
Aside from loving your classes, you, as a teacher and person, have made the last two years of high school so amazing for me. AP Gov, A+ tutoring (x2), and Contemp Issues. We’ve spent a LOT of time in room 130. It became a room that I laughed in and just felt relaxed in. You have done so much to tailor your classroom and lessons to your students. We’re able to talk about anything that’s semi-relevant, wasting entire class hours just having a huge discussion over very real things.
I don’t think I’ve ever had a teacher that has been so transparent and vulnerable with an entire class. I appreciate your ability to share about your family life and past on the rare occurrences that you did. It felt very special to me to have a teacher to relate to. Something that you may not have known about me is that my dad also passed away. Whether or not you’ve realized it, your sharing of your life has made me feel so understood and connected. I think that students find it hard to see their teachers as real people outside of the classroom, but by sharing stories and thoughts, you just become a guy. A guy that is evidently striving to help young adults navigate the world as we prepare to go off on our own.
Teachers go unseen for their kindness and patience, but I see the work you do. And I appreciate it so much. It’s evident that you are careful to be inclusive for all of your students. You are far more gentle with students that don’t appear as comfortable being in the spotlight. You’ve even said that you would never pick on a student that would be hurt by a joke.
It’s been a pleasure being your student and TA. You have taught me so much just beyond the school curriculum. I am so grateful to have a classroom where I’m not just another name on the attendance list. Because your class became much more important than just another hour on my schedule.
Your favorite student,
Kyly Jacobs