Students encircle science teacher Patrick Reed during a lab in Human Anatomy & Physiology.
Mr. Reed
Dear Mr. Reed,
Before your class, I had always lowkey disliked anything to do with biology or science. I think the whole punnett squares ordeal ruined the entire thing for me, not including my entire year of taking chemistry. But then I walked into your fourth hour and figured out why so many people told me to take a class with you. You make lecturing and class genuinely fun, and it’s rare for a student to fully enjoy a class they take. You bring humor and good spirits to every lecture, and always make sure your students feel comfortable and safe in your class. You also tell and show us super cool things that keep us interested, such as the planarians and the opportunity to take one home. You are also extremely understanding about a student’s personal life, and you’re always willing to meet a student halfway. Sort of recently, you pulled me aside and told me it wasn’t too late for me to try and start catching up. You made me feel unjudged and motivated to perform better in my classes, and I appreciate it more than I can express! You are an amazing teacher, never stop being you!
Sincerely, Kailey Pallares