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Teacher Appreciation from FHC Students 2016

Students who are not in publications share with us their favorite teachers and why they are their favorites.

“Mr.Dauve, he not only cares about his students being successful in the classroom but also as a person! He is very personable & will help his students in any ways possible, he genuinely cares about us students.”

“My favorite teacher is Shockley because she does more then just teaches. She interacts with the kids and helps them with specific things they need help with. She also jokes around with us and when we have a laugh she joins in with us. Shockley is one of the greatest teachers of my High School career.”

“My favorite teacher is McGuire because she is someone I can always go to when I need someone to talk to. She knows how I can be really hard on myself and she knows different ways to help me. She has impacted my life so much. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me.”

“My favorite teacher is Odle because she’s a stylish teacher that gets me. She helped me improve on my writing and reading last year and I always go back just to say hi. She knows how to push people and help them with different things.”

“My favorite teacher is Howard! He is a fun person that connects with the students. He tends to joke around with everyone but the students throw it right back. He’s also a great coach and cadet teacher.”

“My favorite teacher is Eberhardt even though he scared me at the beginning of the year. Ever since I’ve joined his class he understands me more and I feel I can go to him for help with stuff.”

“Mr. Dauve! He is the smartest person I know and he is so passionate about everything we learn and talk about. I look forward to his class everyday!”

“Chrissy Young because she brings new life to every aspect of FHC at she touches! She has made my life easier by assisting me with the speech and debate team, and I am lucky to be able to call her my friend!” • Copyright 2024 • FLEX WordPress Theme by SNOLog in

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