Tributes to Teachers
Emily Sirtak, Staff Reporter
While students may come and go, teachers stay around for many years, working hard to touch the minds and hearts of their students before the year ends. Teachers are there to witness every changing fashion trend, popular media and nonsensical meme students berate them with, yet they put up with the minor bothering to help positively impact lives of the students. Although most teachers provide meaningful content and education to prepare students for the future, the teachers who stand out are the ones that give life-changing advice that resonates with students for years and lifetimes to come. This week, students have come together to recognize the sacrifices teachers go through and the meaningful impact they had on their views for the future.

Nicholas Beckmann
Mr. Beckmann, I didn’t know where to start so I wrote you an acrostic poem. B-oisterous E-nriching C-harasmatic K-ool with a K M-ansplain? A-stounding N-aturally a great teacher N-ot like any other teacher I’ve had So, it turns out that I am really bad at making acrostic poems, but I wanted to thank you for being one of my favorite teachers. I always knew I was going to love AP Government. A...

Micheal Crowell
After sitting in crowells classroom for two years now I can safely say he has become one of my favorite teachers at FHC. He is a very generous teacher and makes his students laugh. I am always in a good mood when in his classroom and when I am talking to him in the hallway. I was so excited when I found out he gave me my silver shield as well as very grateful for it. -Sam Castille...

John Koz
Mr. Koz, I just want to say thank you for the great times I had in your class this year. Your class has given me a new appreciation and love for chemistry, so much so that I’m seriously considering pursuing a career in it. I never thought that learning equations at eight in the morning could be this fun, but your bad puns, lighthearted class atmosphere and good sense of humor has made second ...

Dustin Bailey
Walking into a counselor's office is often a scary and daunting task that every student has experienced at some point. Whether they are doing the annual check-in for your schedule, or maybe you asked to see your counselor for a personal reason it can often make someone feel uneasy. But going into Bailey's office doesn't feel like that, instead, he creates an environment free of judgment to express con...

Melissa Fry
Dear Mrs. Fry, Doing anything with creative writing in school has always been a nerve wracking process for me as my writing has always been something very personal in my life; however, your class made it a lot less scary. From day one, you were always our biggest cheerleader. Never once did I as a student ever feel judged for the content of my writing. No matter what the piece was about or the q...

Jane Kelley
Mrs. Kelley, You are the best part of my mornings. Waking up and getting to school on time can be a chore some days, but knowing I get to hang out with you first hour always puts a little pep in my step. One of the things I admire most about you is the passion you have for what you do. Sitting in on one of your famous lectures, it’s no secret that you truly love world history. Y...

Barb Riti
Dear Ms. Riti, Though I only had you as a teacher for one semester, I can truly say that you made a major impact on me. No matter the student, you always went out of your way to talk to and try to form a connection with them and because of that everyone in that classroom felt like they belonged. Even on days when I’d want to stay quiet and just move from class to class, you would always...

Jen Miller
Senora Miller! It's been amazing having you my last two years of high school. I don’t believe I have ever met a soul as kind and caring as yours. You show each and every one of your students your full attention and allow them to know that your classroom will always be a safe space for them. I know I was definitely not one of your strongest Spanish students but I do know that I could not have gott...

Jessica Rowe
Mrs. Rowe, I wish I had the words to explain the impact that you’ve had on me in my four years here at FHC. I remember meeting you my very first day in this building, Freshman Transition Day. That was 4 years ago. For the last four years, you have believed in me far more than I thought any teacher ever would. You showed me that teachers really care about their students. You have helped to gui...

Jeremy Rohrbach
Although I have never had Mr. Rohrbach in class, I know Coach Rohrbach fairly well. Rohrbach has taught me everything I know about tennis and I can’t thank him and Coach Brown enough for introducing me to this wonderful sport. He puts forth so much time and effort into tennis and he created an atmosphere that made tennis laidback and fun. I will never forget the car ride to a match where he drove ...

Laurie Fay
Throughout middle school and the beginning of high school, I was never really the kind of student that wanted to form close-knit bonds with my teachers. I was always satisfied with the pleasant and mundane exchange of their knowledge and my attention. However, come junior year, my nonchalant attitude towards the importance of scholastic figures in my life was stomped on by bright blue stilettos worn ...

Trisha Morrow
I honestly don’t know where to begin as far as my respect goes for you Mrs. Morrow. Out of every math teacher I’ve had, I don’t think they have cared as much as you. From a young age I have always struggled with math and test anxiety and this year seemed like a breaking point for me. When I had to attend two math classes in one semester I was sure I was going to fail at least one, if not both....

Michelle Anne McCune
Mrs. McCune, If someone asked me who the sweetest person I ever met was, there is no doubt in my mind that I would tell them all about you. Mrs. McCune, you never fail to brighten my day. Your contagious smile makes chatting with you so fun. You are the human embodiment of a ray of sunshine. AP Art History was just supposed to be my fine arts credit, but you turned it into so much more. It is ...

Brian Bitney
Lively, witty, quirky, and trustworthy. Those are the words that come to mind when I think of Mr. Bitney. My first day attending FHC I met Bitney. I walked into his classroom and immediately knew I was going to love his class. He was extremely welcoming to all of his new students and did his best to make a connection with each and every one. Throughout the year Bitney has become someone I can always...

Dena Dauve
Each day after school Mrs. Dauve can be found in her room hosting Calc Club, and she never hesitates to help a student out. Being in her class has reignited my love for math, and I greatly appreciate the hard work she puts into her lessons. She explains everything in depth and makes sure her students understand the why behind each step of the process. She has made calculus easy and a fun experience and I...

Brittney Williams
I didn’t look forward to much relating to school during my junior year spent online. There isn’t much excitement about sitting in front of a screen for seven hours of zoom meetings, day after day, with little peer interaction for nine months. But I did always look forward to seeing Mrs. Brittany Williams in her Algebra II Zoom class - and what made the biggest difference was that I always...

Amy Zykan
Going into my freshman year, I had so many different anxieties. Would all of my teachers be nice? Would I do well in my classes? Would I be successful in Algebra I? My 8th grade year wasn’t exactly all sunshine and rainbows; I’d started a new school and really struggled - particularly with math. With the combination of a learning disability which can impair my ability to perform even simple addition...

Patrick Reed
Mr. Reed, Cheese stick lover, Squishy octopus haver, Flatulence finatic, Meme mastermind, Dad joke attempter, Thank you. I’m not exactly sure how you tolerate us all, but I hope you know how thankful we all are. I think it is the coolest thing that your love for your job is so evident. Unless it’s all just a facade, that would be pretty lame. If we didn’t have teachers lik...

Sarah LaRue
Walking into her room on any given day is guaranteed to make my day brighter. Mrs. LaRue is an actual embodiment of a ray of sunshine, and genuinely cares for every student in her classroom. Every time the bell rings, it feels like the hour flew by too fast. She runs her classroom in a very lighthearted way and puts a lot of trust into her students. She gives us the respect of young adults capable...

Christina Young
Ms. Young or should I say Mrs. Lentz, I cannot thank you enough for everything you have done for me in just the two amazing years I got to have you as a teacher. You have been an amazing role model for me and you have taught me that as important as it is to be a hard worker and take things serious that you also have to allow yourself to have fun and goof around because if you’re not allowing yourse...

Emily Harris
Throughout my high school career, I have never had a math teacher that has genuinely helped me until this year. Ms. Harris is the first math teacher I’ve ever been able to understand and relate to. I’ve always had troubles in math and I believe the teacher has a lot of influence. When I’m in Harris’ class, I never feel uncomfortable asking questions and feel comfortable making mistakes and... • Copyright 2025 • FLEX WordPress Theme by SNO • Log in
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