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Update: COVID-19 Has Reached All 50 States

March 18, 2020

According to Fox 9, all 50 states now reportedly have cases of the coronavirus as of yesterday, with West Virginia reporting it’s first. The total in the U.S. has now been brought to 7,553 and the number of deaths has been brought to 117, with 106 recoveries, according to the CDC. Missouri Governor Mike Parsons has suspended April elections to June, reports the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. According to NBC, Dow Jones has dropped 1,600 points after trading stopped for the 4th time in 2 weeks. This puts them at 19, 576 points, the lowest they have been at since President Donald Trump’s inauguration 3 years ago. President Trump has also invoked the Defense Production Act in order to induce a higher degree of production from private American companies to fight COVID-19, reports The Chicago Tribune.

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