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Sonny Arnel

Madi Hermeyer

Dr.Arnel, you have inspired me to be the happiest version of myself, even on the toughest of days. There was never a day that went by that I saw you without a smile on your face. You were always so welcoming with a friendly good morning or wave to whomever you would pass. I could hear you from down the hall and just know that something was coming my way as well. You, Sir, made people feel seen and heard. I’m sure I could speak for many when I say we appreciate you and all of your kindness. Congratulations on your retirement, I hope you enjoy all the great things that come your way! 


-Paige Grubbs, Class of 2014


Dr. Arnel is definitely a big personality I remember from my high school years. He always had a smile and brought positive energy everywhere he went. His name proved true when he brought sunshine and smiles to your class. Now as a teacher, I can appreciate his positive role as an administrator even more. I hope you enjoy your retirement Dr. Arnel, it is well deserved! 


-Amber Roth, Class of 2012


Dr. Arnel always seemed to be such a positive influence in the school. Getting to be his TA my senior year was a huge treat. My mother loved working with him during her time at FHC as well.


-Daniel Tedder, Class of 2015


My first varsity football game was the last game of sophomore year in 2001, the night Don Muench Memorial Stadium was dedicated to FHC’s founding principal. Coach Arnel led the Spartans to a blowout victory over Howell North to end his only season as head coach. I was so grateful to be part of that special night in FHC football history. Happy retirement Dr. Arnel! 


-Andy Carroll, Class of 2004


Dr. Arnel, you will always be one of the best principals FHC has ever had! I remember you always having a smile on your face and supporting every sport FHC had to offer! I wish you the best of luck wherever the future may take you! Congratulations on your retirement! FHC was so lucky to have you! You will be greatly missed!


-Lizzie Doering, Class of 2009


Congrats Dr. Arnel, back in our day it was Mr. Arnel or coach, depended on the season or as your social studies teacher, 2 a days football practices to that last game in Colombia vs Hickman. All the extra cardio during wrestling season, I believe the team concluded lead water was to blame, aka jack n the box temptation, but always made weight. You were a great Teacher, Mentor, Coach, and now a days accomplished your Doctors and Principle of our beloved FHC. I’m sure you’re still enjoying those tuna sandwiches for lunch these days. Job well done, enjoy retirement and relaxation. FHC 2001


-Bryan Cowgill, Class of 2001


There’s not a single memory I have of FHC without Dr. Arnel in it. He was always there to greet us off the bus, he always had a smile. I think his smile is what every FHC alum will remember him for. When I was in high school, I just thought “hey, this guy really loves his job so much. He’s happy all the time.” But then the real world hit after I graduated and I think about him often. Whatever he would be going through outside the school walls, we never knew. He came in every single day with the best attitude and wanted each of us to reach our dreams. He made sure we always felt safe at school, and it was impossible not to smile back at him. Every school needs a principle like Dr. Arnel and I’m very thankful to have been able to have had him as mine. I wish you the best of luck in retirement and thank you for all the years you’ve given us!


-Jordan Thompson, Class of 2014


Dr. Sonny Arnel truly lived up to his name. He was always joyful and smiling everywhere he went. He made the school environment much lighter and happier. I’m so glad he was my principal. 


-Liliana Duvenick, Class of 2021


Dr. Arnel – man… even people who didn’t go to FHC know his amazing character. I transferred to FHC from Howell my junior year after some changes in the family and in an uncertain time I never doubted my place as a Spartan. His energized spirit truly held the school together like a family, and I am grateful for that. There are a few staff members throughout my entire FHSD experience that made a permanent impact on my life, and Dr. Arnel is absolutely one of them! 


-Kimberly Gilmer, Class of 2016


Dr. Arnel was quite possibly the greatest asset to my high-school experience, the love and support he showed to his students just proved how much he cared. He was someone to look up to in many ways including the way he treated his students like his own children. There was never a day where he wasn’t optimistic or smiling. Even through tough days which my graduating class saw a lot of (covid, car accident, blackout, ect) he still managed to stay composed which helped ease the rest of us. He has overcome great things and I am proud to say I attended a school where he worked. Francis Howell Central formed me into an amazing adult and the staff there was a huge part in that. I don’t have any specific encounters with him that I can speak on but just from knowing him in passing, I know enough to say that he is a great man and the perfect principal for FHC. Thank you Sonny Arnel for putting such hard work into the children who will one day run this world. I’m glad it was you!


-Alyssa Pallarito, Class of 2020


Dr. Arnel was one of the best principals ever. He always did such a great job on everything he did. He made everyone smile and brought joy to the world. It’s going to be sad without him being principal. I’ll never forget the times when he came up to me just to talk to me while I was in the hallways on my way to class. He always asked how I was doing which made me feel like he really did care about everyone. I’m so happy that he was my principal and I hope he does great things in retirement. He will be missed but the entire staff and students. But he is leaving such a great impact on the school.


-Lauren Barnes, Class of 2020


Dr. Arnel made my day better when I would get to school. He was always positive and had a smile on his face. He always made sure that people were doing the right thing and making the environment bright. He was the foundation of the school. He always knew everyone’s name which tells you that he cares about each and every student at the school. He made sure that even though we didn’t get the last half of our senior year, to give us a parade in our honor. He attended school events and supported our sports teams. He was anywhere and everywhere. He was a great role model for everyone. I wish him the best as he moves on in his journey through life. Thank you Dr. Arnel.


-Meghan Barnes, Class of 2020


Dr. Arnel has undeniably been one of the most recognizable and impactful figure in the high school career of all students who passed through FHC’s doors during his tenure as principal. While I was not a frequent visitor to the principal’s office, I still remember passing his trademark smile in the halls and feeling the infectious sense of happiness he conveys. In my senior year, as I began to receive some awards, I remember Dr. Arnel walking me over to the best photo background he could find in order to announce my accomplishments on his Twitter. Looking through his Twitter feed, it’s clear that he’s done this ordinary routine countless times with countless students, but his profound sense of care for me and my accomplishments made it feel extraordinary. I’ve never known an FHC without Dr. Arnel, and while I have full confidence in the next principal, I can be sure that his mark on this high school and on thousands upon thousands of it’s alumni will not be quick to fade.


-Reed Easterling, Class of 2021 • Copyright 2025 • FLEX WordPress Theme by SNOLog in

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