Smiling at the piano with her Treble Choir students, Mrs. Donna Solverud leads her students in song.
Mrs. Solverud
Mrs. Solverud, though having only been introduced to FHSD this year, has become one of my closest friends here at FHC. I’m not very musically inclined, but taking her class has proven to be one of the most enjoyable experiences of my high school career. I share both 5th hour study hall and 6th hour concert choir with her, and during 5th hour, she and I always have a wonderful talk about whatever is bothering or exciting either of us. It’s nice to get advice from an unbiased adult on my issues, especially one that thinks and experiences some of the same things I do. She’s very understanding and tries to provide both sympathy and empathy toward everyone, but she also knows how to put her foot down, and I respect her greatly for that. She has shown me what it looks like to know how to balance kindness and discipline, without instilling fear in her students. To be completely honest, she is the most human teacher I’ve ever had. She has flaws, but she owns it in a way that is relatable and comforting. She knows she’s not perfect, but she treats the world and everyone in it as if they are. She’s a beautiful person, and I could not be more grateful to have met her my senior year.