Choosing the lesser evil

Students feel divided on who they want to see in office in the upcoming election.

Lukas Mendel, Copy Editor

As Nov. 8th nears closer, the national election progresses to its end, and America is that much closer to having its new president. The Republican Party candidate running is Donald Trump with Mike Pence as his vice president and the Democratic Party candidate is Hillary Clinton with Tim Kaine as her vice president. Both names are well-known and many by now have already formed their opinion or who they are voting for, but there are roughly two months left until Election Day comes and everyone has to make a final choice.

Since the election will be coming to a close soon, the way things look now could be the way that they end. Although time is nearing an end there is still time for the candidates to possibly turn things around for some voters or push more voters away.

This election has definitely sparked the interest of individuals all around the country, especially teenagers. A lot of teenagers are getting more involved and keeping up with the elections as time passes. Senior Keenan Peebles enjoys keeping up with local and national politics to stay more informed of his government. He has kept up with this election and feels that things are pretty set in their ways of now and that this election has told us a lot of America.

“I believe [Clinton] is just a couple points above Trump … it depends on what Trump does. Right now his regarding his policies, you have people who agree with him … and people liking him based off his personality,” Peebles said. “It’s good to a certain extent but once your statement starts to mess with your personality people won’t vote for you, so he will have to do some major things to get people behind him because a lot of people like Hillary.”

Trump may be down in points, but the support behind him still remains strong. Students like senior Kurt Schmitz have at the beginning and now still stand beside and support Trump. Schmitz hopes that Trump will become victorious, over Clinton, despite her lead in the polls.

“He brings something more to the table we haven’t seen, a viewpoint we haven’t experienced before…his attitude is going to actually cure the racial division because I feel like we will stop giving it so much attention,” said Schmitz.

Schmitz may represent the students that are full in support of Trump, but other students, like senior Tyler Clark, feel as if they are still on the fence.

“If you just listen to them go back and forth, who do you vote for? You can’t,” said Clark.

Remaining on the fence, Clark still feels that he can make a proper decision looking more into the two representatives actually policies rather than listening to them rant.

“In my opinion, when somebody has broken the law in such a big way and are still allowed to run for president, something is not adding up,” Clark said.

Clark finds himself supporting Trump, but his decision is indefinite and can always change. For him, it is deciding who is the least worse, and the same question had been asked by many other students and Americans pondering the same thing.

According to RealClearPolitics, on the national and state level, Secretary Clinton ranges from a 1% to 5% lead over Trump, and it has remained this way for awhile. More debates are still in store for America to experience and time can change the tide still, but students opinions seem to remain constant, regarding their choice of a representative.