The online home of the Central Focus

The online home of the Central Focus

The online home of the Central Focus

Advertisement Information

Phone: 636.851.5636
Email: [email protected] and the Central Focus accept paid advertisements from most businesses. We do not, however, accept classified or personal ads. Below are frequently asked questions regarding advertisements on For ad package deals with our Central Focus print addition, see our publications ad contract.

How can I advertise on

There are two main ways. First, if you purchase an ad in our print edition, you will receive 1,000 web impressions (page loads where your ad is displayed) for every issue you advertise in.
Second, if you want to advertise solely on the web, or purchase additional impressions, you can purchase ads in blocks of 1,000 ad impressions. Each block costs $10.


Will my ad connect to my website?

Yes. When a visitor to clicks on your ad, it will take them directly to your website. This, of course, means you need to provide us with the URL of your website.


How much traffic goes to your website

In its first year, received approximately 1,000 visits per month, mostly centered in Missouri.


What is the size of my ad on

All web ads will be 200 pixels wide by 200 pixels tall.


Do I have to design the ad?

The staff members of the FHC Publications staff will design ads if desired by the client for the cost of $25 per ad. No ad shall go onto the website without the advertiser having seen the ad prior to its publication and giving their approval.


I need to know more. Where can I find answers?

Feel free to contact our business manager at your convenience. He will be happy to help you and answer any questions you may have.

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