A look at Bobby Hubbard

Kana Chung, Staff reporter

As the season moves forward, the varsity boys volleyball team is progressing as an impressive rate. Each member contributes to the successes of the team.
This week is focused on Junior Bobby Hubbard. He is the middle for the boys varsity volleyball team. He is currently serving his third year in the program, and is loving every minute of it. This year he is making sure to leave his mark on the court. Although constant practicing can become monotonous, he stays dedicated to the sport and realizes the value that comes from it.
“Practicing every day can get a little old sometimes, but it is necessary,” Hubbard said.
In addition to playing the game, Hubbard has been eager to bond with his teammates.
“[I] definitely [missed] playing and getting to know our team [during the off season]. I feel like that’s important.”
One team member who is one of those getting to know Hubbard little by little is sophomore Dylan Stover. Being in a team together has brought the two closer together.
“[Bobby and I are] not the closest. We didn’t talk until this year, so we’re getting closer

,” Stover said.
Although Hubbard may remain humble, his teammates can see the difference he’s making for the team. Despite not being very close with him, Stover finds his selflessness is evident.
“He works for everyone, he doesn’t work for himself. He doesn’t want to just get stats for himself, he wants to win,” Stover said.
Another way he contributes to the team is though his analysis of it. Sophomore Niko Garbin gives credit to his intellect.
“He’s really smart [when] he plays volleyball and is good at it. I think [his intelligence helps him in the game]. So does his height.”
Outside of the game, Hubbard lifts the spirit of the team with his sense of humor. This is important in bonding as a unit, especially after the devastating loss of a game.
“He’s funny. He makes me laugh,” Garbin said.
The main reason he loves the game is the speed.
“Definitely the speed. Yeah, the speed of the game. It’s a fast game,” Hubbard said.