The best of YouTube

Rachel talks about her favorite thing about YouTube.

The best YouTuber on the planet.

YouTube is a strange place filled with relentless cat videos and pointless nonsense that can have you watching for hours. You can be watching a video about ninjas, but in an hour you will be watching a video on how to make silly putty (an example that I tend to follow frequently).

One type of video, however, has blown up with popularity in the past three years. I am talking about video game walkthroughs and the YouTube channels behind them. Gamers from all continents gather in YouTube to share their geeky passions and show others how to play a game. The gamers that have made an even bigger impression, I think, are the ones who incorporate commentary in their videos

One gamer in particular, GhostRobo, has grabbed my attention, kept it for two-and-a-half years, and still surprises me every day. I first found him while I was searching for Skyrim walkthroughs. Before watching Ghost (what his die-hard fans affectionately call him), I saw multiple others and none seemed to do me any justice.

Then, giving the search one last try, I stumbled upon a video that seemed to shout out to me.

I clicked on it, and just as if it was fate, I found the best YouTuber on the planet. The words, “What’s goin’ on guys and girls,” was said with the most enthusiastic voice I’ve heard in a walkthrough (it wasn’t fake emotion like some others I have come across). I watched the video, and thirsting for more, I went to his channel. Ever since then, I have been captivated.

GhostRobo started his channel on Oct. 12, 2010, and has had 658,783 subscribers since then. He started with just walkthroughs and has evolved to include console reviews, live streams, vlogs, video game events like E3, a gaming convention, and much more.

Ghost also shares much of his personal life with his subscribers. His little brothers, Noah and Jake, his girlfriend, Rosa, and the occasional appearance of his parents, all appear in many of his videos. He even does fun and heartwarming things with his family, like his hilarious taste tests. These show that he’s not just a good YouTuber, but also just how much of a good person he is.

And just as he shows his love for his family, he shows his appreciation for his fans. He has many videos in which he opens fan mail, and he has held multiple contests to reward his fans. He also has multiple items made so that fans can buy them and show off their fandom.

What I respect most about Ghost is the fact he doesn’t follow the “status quo” that most gamers follow today. He plays what he wants when he wants to and he doesn’t listen to the “negative nancys” and “trolls” whose main goal is to tear him down. I also respect him because he never curses so all of his videos are very family friendly.

He gets his videos up in a very timely manner with perfect HD quality. And if he can’t upload in time, he always notifies his subscribers. He cares deeply for his family and for his fans and he never gives up on his videos.

All in all, GhostRobo is, what I deem, “the king of walkthroughs.” He is an inspiration to not just me, but everyone who watches him.

If you want to watch GhostRobo in action, here’s a link to his channel:

If you have any questions about me, you can message me on Facebook or follow me on Instagram and Twitter @UltmtNarutoFan1. In the words of GhostRobo, “Drink some hot chocolate. Until next time boys and girls. We’ll see you all later.”