A memorable few hours

Student council members enjoy their time dancing at the special needs prom

Elaine Mallon

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A mother’s love
May 23, 2017

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From raising money for the Children’s hospital to organizing the student blood drive, student council is always finding different ways to give back. For senior Maggie Sills, Communications director of Student council, attending the special needs prom is her favorite event of the year. From decorating the banquet hall of Zion Luther to dancing to songs like Kung Fu Fighting, every moment of the evening of Friday December 2nd filled Sills’ heart with joy.
“It was really special. I got to see the guy I was partnered with last year, his name is Devin. It was a lot of fun dancing with them,” Sills said. “It just makes your heart feel very full when you leave, because you did something productive.”
The evening was filled with goofiness and laughter, according to Sills.
“There was this one girl, and her name is Kristen. She asked the DJ to play kung fu fighting, and she had everyone circle around her,” Sills said. “She started doing this special dance that she choreographed. It was awesome.”
As chair of the event, junior Brooke Winkler had invested a great deal of time into planning and organizing the event.
“When I’m in charge of something that I know is going to help out others or our community, so I make sure things are getting done,” Winkler said.
According to Winkler, seeing the expressions of joy on everyone’s faces that evening put her at ease.
“My favorite part of the night is when all of the stress went away from planning everything, and I was just dancing with everybody. It was a good time,” Winkler said.
While Sills and Winkler had only spent a few hours with these students, they created memories with these students that will last long after the year is over.
“There was this one girl named Julia, and she makes my heart melt. I love this girl so much. She was just dancing and having a good time,” Winkler said. “It’s very memorable for me seeing all of their smiles. At the end of the night there were a few tears with just saying, “I will see you next year type of thing.”
As the season of giving is in the air, Sills emphasizes the simplicity that it is to make someone’s day special.
“All it takes is to spend one night with them, just to take a few hours out of your day to make their whole year. People will come up, and say ‘I remember you from last year.’ They just have so much fun,” Sills said. “It just makes their whole year, and all you have to do is volunteer a few hours of their time.”