The Shack

The Shack is a hair-raising, amazing movie I watched this past weekend. It is definitely now in my ten favorite movie list.

The Shack; a breathtaking movie for all ages. Even if you aren't religious, I guarantee you will enjoy this movie.

The Shack; a breathtaking movie for all ages. Even if you aren’t religious, I guarantee you will enjoy this movie.

Talia Thambyrajah, staff reporter

As I was scrolling through Netflix this past weekend in avoidance of my several homework assignments and college essays, I was not satisfied with the selection I was given. Nowadays, there aren’t many, what I would consider, “good” movies on Netflix that I haven’t already seen. But, that is another review in itself.

So I resorted to Charter On Demand, and I was not expecting to find any movie worth my time, but I decided to take a look anyways. My mom came into the room and said she wanted to watch a movie called “The Shack,” based upon a book she read several years ago. I usually do not like the movies my mom choose, but I decided to give this one a shot.

I was immediately blown away- almost to tears- by the opening scenes. Let me remind you that I am not an emotional person and I rarely cry at movies. The storyline itself was breathtaking, and  was on the edge of my seat the entire two hours and thirteen minutes of the movie.

I won’t give any spoilers, but the storyline of the movie very accurately reflected the storyline of the book, according to my mom. The entirety of the movie was closed upon a man and the unfortunate events of his life. When life takes a turn for the worst, beginning in his childhood and continues on later in his life, he begins to lose faith in his belief in God and begins to question not only his faith, but many of his life decisions as well. He, somehow, is approached by a character in the movie who is the human-form of God, in which the rest of the movie is about the process of his replenished his relationship with God. Truly, in my opinion, heart-stoppingly incredible.

The depiction of God in this movie, as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, was admittedly questionable at first. As a faithful person myself, I am critical when it comes to the portrayal of God through human or earthly representations. But, as the movie progressed, I came to enjoy the characters who represented God in the three forms, and thought that the directors and/or producers of this movie did a phenomenal job in choosing the actors and scenes to represent the divinity yet simplicity of what God is, in addition to impressioning the book very well.

Overall, the movie The Shack was a ten-out-of-ten movie I would recommend to those who are religious and believe in God, and even to those who don’t. It is a hair-raising roller coaster of events that any viewer of any age will enjoy and have a range of emotion towards.