Marvel has been a big part of most high schoolers’ lives as some of the best Marvel movies came out while they were in late elementary and early middle school. However, the last several Marvel movies have been declining in quality. The ratings seem to be steadily getting worse. Students seem to agree that Marvel is falling off.
Sophomore Oliver Lopinot is disappointed in Marvel’s recent projects. He expects quality work from a well-developed company like Marvel.
“I went to see The Eternals when it came out and it was trash. It was underwhelming with a subpar plot, and the characters were under-developed as well,” Lopinot said.
This isn’t just a problem with “The Eternals” either. She-Hulk felt under-developed as well. Her writing was poor and she almost immediately knew how to use her power. Which is unlike any other character we have seen. Recently, Marvel seems to be doing more and more of this. New movies are hyped up in trailers and then when the movies finally do come out it’s a complete letdown. It wasn’t always like this as many of the earlier movies are amazing, the characters had several movies to reach their full potential. Their development didn’t feel rushed. The villains were also written so well. Which makes this fall to mediocrity even more devastating to the viewers.
“I gotta say that after ‘Endgame,’ Marvel fell off. In their defense most of the main characters that we had all come to love got killed off leaving us with nothing,” Lopinot said.
This killing off of all these characters left Marvel with a blank slate with some low-quality paint to fill in the space with. Marvel decided to use new characters; however, compared to the last set of characters these are underwhelming. This could be due to the fact that all the characters that casual enjoyers knew from the comics had already been put on the big screen. So when they added new ones no one knew who they were.
There are similar complaints when it comes to the villains of the story. Sophomore Matthew Miller has that very thought he thinks that a big problem with Marvel is their use of villains. He feels that these villains Marvel has created just get used once and then just discarded when they can be used in several movies due to the fact they pose such a big threat to the universe.
“Marvel has been using these super villains that have been hyped for a while and then they end up getting beat in the first movie they’re in and never seen again. They need to have a villain that lasts several movies and isn’t just beat the first time they’re seen,” Miller said.
If Marvel can get another villain with the same gravity as Thanos it would be much easier to bring Marvel back from the grave; although, that is to say, that Marvel is still savable.
Marvel has one more major issue and probably the most obvious of the bunch: this issue is that they are recycling ideas and when they do come out with a new idea it’s predictable and boring. Sophomore Declan Fowler explains his criticism of the new movies that Marvel has produced.
“The big issue I see with Marvel right now is their lack of new ideas. All of the most recent movies have been boring. There is also a lack of focus on these projects. Marvel is just trying to pump as many movies out as possible right now,” Fowler said.