When people hear “I don’t have an opinion on that” or, “Oh, I’m politically neutral” they typically start thinking negatively about that person or their beliefs. Most people however jump into this train of thought without knowing exactly what being politically neutral means.
Often, if you explain to them that you are politically neutral it is not received well. Many people believe that not having an opinion is lazy and a coward’s standpoint. However, I think that being politically neutral shows the opposite. It shows you stick to what you believe in. It also shows that you don’t give in when pressed by peers for your opinion.
Typically one is politically neutral due to religion or strong personal beliefs. But, what does it mean to be politically neutral? Simply put, it means not picking a side when it comes to political matters. I don’t have a favorite party, or a politician I want to see succeed. Many people agree that the purpose for government and political candidates is to achieve peace and prosperity. However, history has shown that man’s governments have failed in their efforts to achieve peace or to solve basic human problems. We still see hunger, disease, poverty and terrorism. So people like me choose not to put trust in human ruling.
Something that I’ve noticed from overhearing conversations about politics, or from walking into the living room when my grandpa has the news on is that more often than not these debates end with yelling, and in several cases I’ve seen people crying. This isn’t the reason I choose to be neutral; however, why would I put effort into debates and arguments that seem to only lead to a mutual feeling of defeat and anger. Especially if I don’t have complete faith or any faith in these political leaders. I’d rather put my effort into something that is beneficial for me or others.
I’ve been told “you are hurting this country by saying nothing and not giving an opinion.” But I view it as, if everyone was politically neutral there would be little to no conflicts that revolve around what we see as political matters. I believe the world could be a much more peaceful place if everyone refrained from constantly throwing their opinions around. This would lead to a decrease of hurt feelings, and violence. That could feel like a leap but we’ve seen it before. Strong political views lead to fights breaking out and people in hospitals and jail.
All of this doesn’t mean that I don’t respect the government. I have been taught to be honest, respectful and law-abiding. I believe that laws are important to the order of our society. However, I believe that no political party is capable of making the changes needed for peace and security. That is why I choose not to identify with one specific party, nor do I vote for one candidate over another. Many people believe that human government is not enough to solve problems. I look to another, higher power for answers and solutions and will only vote for that.