After being introduced in January and initially set to go into effect on Aug. 28, Senate Bill 54 was eliminated in committee on Wednesday. After the court ruling, Gov. Jay Nixon asked lawmakers to repeal the law during a special session that began this week. The Missouri State Senate agreed to eliminate the SB54 law which made student-teacher communication on websites, through text, email and any other forms of private communication illegal. The decision was unanimous.
Not only did the law not allow these types of communication, it also prohibited sexual misconduct, manslaughter, child molestation and other inappropriate actions between teachers and students. The law is to be rewritten to include the clauses that involved those topics while eliminating the social networking clauses.
Due to the controversial reactions to the law, the Missouri State Senate reviewed the law and made revisions, but the law was still submitted for repeal. The Missouri State Teachers Association took action in trying to get this law appealed by suing the state of Missouri because the law violated the first amendment rights of teachers and students.