Seniors have a short amount of time to form a college plan, if they have not started already. The counselors in the guidance office have been calling down these seniors to discuss their plans for when they leave high school.
“[We have been] calling down seniors to make sure they’re applying for the ACT, and checking up on them,” said Mrs. Michelle Breuer.
One of the recent ways that the guidance office has attempted to aid these seniors is offer a scholarship for an ACT preparation class.
“Twenty [students] applied. Nine total were given,” said Mrs. Breuer.
The classes are being given over at the St. Charles Community College, and continue for about six to eight weeks, one night a week.
According to Mrs. Breuer, the scholarships normally go to seniors because they need the classes more. The students that are low on money also have a higher chance of receiving these scholarships.
During the seniors’ junior year, the counselors met with them to sort out a plan for their post-secondary education. Now in their final high school year, they are making sure that the students have either followed with their plan or have created a different plan.
“Some [students] are ahead of the game; some have already applied,” said Mrs. Breuer.
If the students have not applied for any colleges, then the counselors try to find out what colleges they are interested in. If the students are not even sure of that, their counselor has them go online to Missouri connections and look up their career. This will help them get connected to an appropriate college.
“Everyone has a plan for something,” said Mrs. Breuer.