The school administration is moving on to second quarter with a few new rules concerning the home football games. Middle school students are not allowed to enter the stadium without a parent escort. This rule has been added because during both the powder puff and homecoming games, eighth graders have gotten in altercations behind the bleachers.
“We are not a two dollar, four hour baby sitting service,” said Principal Dr. Sonny Arnel. “I have spent the second half of last two games up here [in my office] calling parents and disciplining students that do not even go here.”
Along with the new eighth grade policy, the administration still will not tolerate the beach balls in the stands. The beach balls are not allowed because of safety concerns.
“If someone were to hit the beach ball and it fell on someone, and someone broke a leg, I would be held accountable for them,” said Dr. Arnel. “I allow many things in the stands because I like seeing the students having fun in the stands. I let the students stand during the game, stand and block the aisle, I stand there before the game to make sure that parents don’t sit there and complain about the students. I want the students to have fun, but we have to make sure that they are safe.”
The school administration is also setting academic goals for second quarter and finalizing the final exam schedule. They will be picking thirty classes that met their goals for first quarter for the pizza/donut party and the free parking pass/event passes. The administration will look over all the goals that were made and make a goal that will help and be most effective.