The guidance office has a lot on their hands, according to counselor Mrs. Michelle Breuer. Students are coming in by the handful with questions about the new online registration.
“It’s crazy!” said Mrs. Breuer.
The office has blue forms for students to come in and complete the form for a request to see their counselor. According to Mrs. Breuer, the forms coming in requesting to change their schedules are dying down; however, forms about next year’s registration are flooding the counselors. On top of that, parents of eighth grade kids are calling in because they also have no idea what they are doing with the new online program.
“It’s all new to them, too,” said Mrs. Breuer.
The biggest problem with the online registration is that kids get confused when they cannot find the classes that they want because they don’t appear to be available online.
“You can’t see everything, pick what you can,” said Mrs. Breuer. “Then wait to come see us in February to discuss with your counselor the other classes that weren’t on the website.”
The main reason that certain classes are not included on the website is because the counselors do not want all students to have the ability to pick an honors course when they do not qualify.
“We’d be changing more schedules,” said Mrs. Breuer.
By excluding the honors and AP classes, students who do not qualify don’t have the option to get into a class they do no deserve to be in.
“[We would] go through all of the schedules to make sure there’s none in [the advanced classes] that are not supposed to be,” said Mrs. Breuer.