More than just wins

Wrestlers are not all about winning.

Elisa Swanson

More stories from Elisa Swanson

Senior map
May 17, 2017

Belle Herrera

Dylan Gillette works for his win

The varsity team is undefeated in duals, currently. The team is doing great in their season. Certain individuals stand out of the crowd, including Jackson Berck, Bryce Borkowski,  Devin Schwartzkopf, Corey Wait, and Andrew Goiter. For junior Dylan Gillette, it is his first season on varsity and it hasn’t been as easy as the big numbers reflect.

“As a team, this season has gone pretty good, considering we lost most of our varsity line up from last year,” Gillette said, “I personally think I could’ve done better so far, won a few more, but it’s been a really good first season on varsity.”  

Gillette is not alone in his feelings about personal performance. Senior Shane Gallagher struggles with the difference between competing at a junior varsity level and the varsity level. According to Gallagher, on varsity there is more stress to win, more dependence to win.

“This is my first year on varsity and the experience has been long, fun and tiring. It’s different than JV. It’s more stressful, there’s a lot more on the line than just wrestling, or the next match. It’s a lot of team points and records start counting.” Gallagher said.

For Gallagher, the difficult time have not impeded his love for the sport, he still loves wrestling and still has the same love for his teammates.

“This season has had a lot more downs than ups for me, personally but it’s been good, it’s been a fun experience,” Gallagher said, “I have a good team, I like my team, I like to go to practice, I enjoy wrestling so it’s been a fun year.”