As the End of Course (EOC) exams are taking place, counselors receive side jobs when the students cannot finish their tests. At the end of each 90-minute block, counselors and principals go down to the classrooms in which the EOCs are being taken to pull out students who were not able to finish the test.
“Today, there were six classes taking the EOC,” said counselor Mrs. Michelle Breuer. “Six of us took them to the library while they finish the EOC. A proctor stays in there to watch over them.”
The Fridays of both testing weeks are make-up days for students who were unable to make it the first time around.
Along with EOC’s, counselors are still in the middle of fixing schedules for next year. The delays are caused by students whose electives will not work with their other classes, students who are waiting for openings in certain electives and other assorted problems.
Seniors who are in danger of not graduating are also grabbing the attention of counselors. The counselors are emailing parents and meeting with the kids who didn’t quite make it.
“We’re keeping track of [failing seniors] pretty well,” said Mrs. Breuer.
Some students are taking CAPs, or Credit Assistance Program, courses. CAPs are online courses for students who have failed classes in their senior year.
“[The counselors and I] are giving seniors every opportunity to graduate on time,” said Mrs. Breuer.
According to Mrs. Breuer, breaking the news to the kids or having to give that extra strict push is one of the counselors’ least favorite things to do.
“We want to act happy, like everything’s great, but for [the seniors] it’s not right now,” said Mrs. Breuer.