Hi, guys. After what seems like an eternity, I can assure you that I do, in fact, still exist.
I wish I could return from my eight-week blogging hiatus with valiant tales of chivalry or heroism, or explain to you that I was too invested in feeding the malnourished children of Tibet to grace FHCtoday.com with my gab. Unfortunately, none such tale is true. The truth is, I just haven’t done it.
As each Wednesday came and went, I can honestly say that I thought about it. Guilt would creep each time I blew it off or left a document half finished: guilt of not living up to the “see you next week, buddy” that I would leave the reader with each week. Soon it was Thursday, then Friday. Next thing I knew it was Wednesday again, and there I sat, blogless.
To say I haven’t had a busy mind during this time, however, would short change me just a bit. College is fast approaching, and Mizzou has been busy squeezing every last nickel out of my parents’ pocketbook. We’ve filled out contracts ($25), payed enrollment fees ($300), signed up for the Summer Welcome ($80), and I wouldn’t doubt if they charged for the elevator music as I sat on hold with the Office of Admissions. The guilt alone, the weight-bearing stigma of watching my parents selflessly fork over hundreds of dollars for me is enough to smash my brain out of my ears.
So, I shut down. Went on autopilot. Homework completion took a huge hit, whittling down from “not much” to “hardly any.” Attentiveness in class took a nosedive. And as already stated, “Blog-ano” fell off the radar. I coasted through each day, gliding along in my idleness, clinging to the excuse that “college is stressing me out, man.”
Well, poor excuse, Pagano. Every single senior is going through the same exact thing. They’re paying for stuff, signing up for stuff, and applying for stuff. I’m not anything special. #SeniorProbz, we’ve all got ‘em.
Today marks the last of my laziness.
Seniors, we’ve got a little over five weeks — count them, five weeks — of high school left. Five weeks of memories to make, tests to take, and stress to possibly accumulate. And you can bet your Spartan butt you’ll have five weeks of Blog-ano to get you over the hump in each of them.
See you next week, bud. And I mean that.