Getting back up again

The wrestling team perseveres despite several of the members being out with injuries.

Kira Zerbolio

More stories from Kira Zerbolio

Whitney Klein

More stories from Whitney Klein

College or career?
December 24, 2018
Spartan wrestler looks determined mid - match.

Spartan wrestler looks determined mid – match.

On Wednesday, December 6th, the Spartan wrestlers hit the mats for a home dual meet against Fort Zumwalt West. They were out a few wrestlers, but the results of each match were still mostly positive for our Spartans.


With a total of six pins, the boys technically tied West but had more pins than them in the end. This caused the Spartans to win in criteria despite the fact in terms of points, they tied. This meet helped to motivate the boys and give them hope for the rest of the season.


Several wrestlers began the season with injuries. Junior Connor Bukowski is one of the boys who was not able to participate in this match, but he was still able to show his support and take note of how the meet went for his teammates.


“I think [the meet] showed us what we need to work on as a team, like takedowns,” Bukowski said.


Junior Corey Wait is in a similar position as Bukowski, but even with his injured leg, Wait was able to tell his team was not going to let him down. Keeping in mind his teammates have the same goals as him, Wait was encouraged to return to the mats when he watched his team work hard during the matches.


“I think [this meet] will give the team a little confidence. It will definitely give us a boost of confidence and show that we are here to wrestle,” Wait said.


Junior Ian Magbitang, so far undefeated, also has high expectations for his team and the rest of the season.


“Personally, I hope to have a positive record. As a team, we all want to win state. We are practicing harder to get us there,” Magbitang said.


The lack of healthy players has not slowed down the momentum of the Spartan wrestlers. They have started off strong and plan to continue doing well until they make it to state.


They’re next tournament is this Friday and Saturday in Kansas City. Even with the current injuries, the boys are hoping to come back home victorious.

Check out their schedule here :