The Star-spangled Banner, the raising of the United States flag and the final attempt for the Gold medal; the Olympics bring a sense of pride to a country that is desperately in need of it and desperately lacks it.
For a few weeks every two years, we forget the political divide, the pessimism of a nation stuck in an economic crisis, and the rivalries between our professional sports franchises and the different groups of society. The pride of being an American supersedes the negativity and bickering that occurs for the other give-or-take 26 months between Olympic games.
This kind of national unity is something usually only tragedy can achieve. But, the ability of the nation to rally around it’s athletes is a much greater feat, and much harder to accomplish.
Playing for your country, not your state, wealth or hometown is what is truly magical about the Olympics. Seeing the nation as one triumphant force playing our best against the entire world brings a great sense of pride to the nation, people and athletes. If we could carry this pride after the Olympics, who knows what could be accomplished at home and abroad.