During emergency drills there are often jokes running through the classrooms and students seldom take them seriously. Today’s lock down had a different tone.
“I was shaking the entire time. I kept expecting something bad to happen,” said freshman Evan Richard.
Students were not the only ones the lockdown was worrying. According to attendance secretary Tammy Cissell, the attendance office received approximately 100 calls since 11:30 a.m.
“The parents are definitely panicked. Of course it’s understandable for them to be. We have been getting a ton of calls and messages, and we just have to try and calm them down,” said Cissell
The students and faculty alike did not know all the facts about what was going on, but they did know what they had to do.
“I had a sub, and she handled it all pretty well. Once the alarm went off she locked the door and shoved everyone into the corner. It went pretty well; I was surprised she knew exactly what to do,” said sophomore Chris Franklyn.
The principals acted to escort the students in the cafeteria to a safe place while security guards helped to clear the halls.
“Some of us had to help students get to designated areas or find teachers who could help them,” said security guard Dennis Tucker.
Over all of the excitement and fear, the situation was handled well by the faculty at Francis Howell Central, according to Mrs. Cissell.
“Everything went really great. Dr. Arnel is very proud of the way the staff handled the situation and of the students’ behavior as well,” said Mrs. Cissell.