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The online home of the Central Focus

The online home of the Central Focus

My best friend Werner: Part 2

Amy Sweeney November 27, 2012

Last week, I could not stop evangelizing Werner Herzog’s 2007 film, “Encounters at the End of the World,” a documentary about Antarctica that revealed more about the 1000 eccentric scientists that...

My best friend Werner: Part 1

Amy Sweeney November 20, 2012

There’s nothing I love more than a deep exploration of the human spirit. Sometimes it comes in the form of stand up comedy, sometimes slam poetry, sometimes musical compositions, and sometimes it comes...

Francis Howell students take to the polls

Amy Sweeney November 15, 2012

Anyone with a Twitter or Facebook knew the results of the presidential election, which was based on the votes of 538 electoral college members, just moments after the race was called. There were second-by-second...

My Breaking Bad addiction

Amy Sweeney November 9, 2012

After having spent my Monday night and my free Tuesday doing next to nothing, I have reached one conclusion: There is no excuse for you to not have a Netflix subscription. While my job here is to inform...

Burgeoning bookworm

Amy Sweeney November 1, 2012

While I splurged for my unofficial Halloween weekend, going to two drag shows at ten bucks a pop (not including the countless singles I passed out to the queens I was particularly impressed with), I’m...

Wake up call

Amy Sweeney October 23, 2012

It’s always someone else. We all secretly believe we’ll live forever, that we have all the time in the world to realize our dreams and transform our lives into triumphant pursuits of romance, happiness,...

Comedy show, Shmomedy Shmow

Amy Sweeney October 11, 2012

I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this yet, but I am currently dating a stand-up comic. As such, I have learned a thing or two about what great comedy is. Do me a favor and suppress the immediate reflex...

A penny for your thoughts

Amy Sweeney September 27, 2012

There are some new features decking the halls of FHC, although some may not notice these crucial new elements without having their attention drawn to them. In an effort to provide students an additional...

Night out like a night in

Amy Sweeney September 25, 2012

If I haven’t made this clear yet, I love movies. Naturally, seeing the premiere of a new film is a special treat, and can be even more excellent depending on the venue. Imagine having a cinema-size...

A 99 minute tour of the world

Amy Sweeney September 19, 2012

I love movies. I love watching movies, I love talking about movies.. I love movies so much that if you ask me what my favorite food is, I will, without hesitation, tell you that it is movie popcorn. Partially...

Raise your voice

Amy Sweeney September 12, 2012

Francis Howell Central is employing several new tactics to help maximize feedback from students. One of these is the implementation of individual principals’ councils. “One of Dr. Arnel’s main...

Queens of culture

Amy Sweeney September 12, 2012

I don’t belong in downtown St. Louis. I am a young woman of 18 who nearly pees her pants at unexplained bumps in the night. Crime and murder are unfathomable to my naive mind. I can still make myself...

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