The online home of the Central Focus

The online home of the Central Focus

The online home of the Central Focus

Ben Morrison

Ben Morrison, Be Heard Editor

Ben Morrison is an ambiguous editor, managing both the technical side of the web and the Be Heard section in both the web and the paper. He is currently a senior, which makes this his third year on staff, though that’s really on a technicality, as he joined staff in the second semester of his sophomore year, but he prefers not to think of it that way, since it makes him feel less important and takes much longer to say. Much like last year, he still has no major career aspirations, but he thinks you really shouldn’t judge him on that, because really, who does know what they want to do for the rest of their life, considering almost anything we could do will be so insignificant to the history of the universe. He is still sarcastic on holidays, birthdays, and Thursdays, though he has now expanded his schedule to also be sarcastic on Tuesdays, Fridays, and President’s day.

All content by Ben Morrison
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