Eight area quiz bowl teams will be competing for the GAC championship tomorrow at Francis Howell High. Upon registering in the morning, each team will draw a number to determine their morning match schedule.
“It’s all luck of the draw,” said coach Sharon King, “It all depend on our wins and losses throughout the day on how far we actually get. After playing seven morning rounds, we’ll take a lunch break then head into the do or die afternoon championship bracket.”
This year’s GAC games also are reaching out to the rest of the district to participate. Every game of scholar quiz bowl is supposed to have a moderator and timekeeper for each match. Last week, an email message was sent out to the entire Francis Howell district asking for staff to help out and experience the games themselves.
“As a coach, I love it; I hardly get to watch our teams play. So needless to say, I’m definitely looking forward to it,” said King.
If the GAC games go well, it will only build upon the quality season they have had up to this point. Only a few more opportunities remain for the team to make their mark.