Fresh off of a year of success at district and state competition, Francis Howell Central’s association of marketing students looks to pick up right from where they left off in the 2012-2013 school year. The students and teachers involved in DECA are in the zone, according to DECA adviser Mrs. Angela Syron.
“I think we’re extremely excited for the year,” said Mrs. Syron. “We have a lot of the fun things for last year planned for this one.”
All notable DECA functions (such as the annual dodgeball tournament, cookie sales and walking in the homecoming parade) remain on the to-do list. And in the way of competitions, DECA’s attitude seems to be to not mess with success.
“[We’re preparing for competitions] in the same ways as last year,” Mrs. Syron said. “We’re learning our marketing terms in class, and we are still doing our mini-competition in late September.”
The mini-competition, a small, low pressure event held in our library, is used to prime our students to compete at the district, state, and national levels. The key to success in these event, Mrs. Syron says, is student participation.
“[One of our goals is] definitely more student participation. That is something we’d really like this year,” Mrs. Syron.
Other goals will be set next Friday with the DECA officers, and soon DECA season will be in the full swing of things.