On Thursday Sept. XX, the boys soccer team took on the Francis Howell North Knights. The outcome was good for the Spartans, with a win 2 to 0. Some Spartans had a much better time than others showing the Knights defeat. Two players in particular, senior Kevin Hunkins and senior Austin Pierce, went home with what seemed to be battle injuries. Hunkins got nailed in the nose, resulting in a gnarly nosebleed.
“I bodied this tall guy, and as he was falling, he hit me in nose,” Hunkins said, explaining how it happened.
Pierce got off the field with a scratch that looked like it came from a wolverine right across his neck.
“Our team is more like a brotherhood,” said Pierce, explaining why it was worth it to take one for the team team.
Many have a perception that the Knights are our rivals.
“We were happy we won because North has a good soccer team and they’re one of our rivals,” Pierce said.
Hunkins echoed Pierce’s excitement.
“We were all excited when we won, because if we would have lost, everyone would have thought the Howell game was a fluke. Plus, it’s always fun to beat a rival,” Hunkins said.
“The scratch was worth the win,” Pierce said, explaining that the cuts and bruises from the game were well worth it.
Although neither of these injuries ended in a penalty against the Knights, no one really expected them to. These injuries were not deliberate. They were caused simply by the Knights’ motivation to win. Unfortunately for the Knights, the Spartans were tougher than they expected.