Hello Play Newsmag from Maize, Kansas!
Like the other thirty or so members of our staff here at the Central Focus, I was assigned a high school publication to review. Luckily for me, I was assigned yours!
One of the many things I initially enjoyed about your site, aside from being a fan of news mags as it is, was how easily it can be navigated. The tabs for each section on the top of the page were the first thing I noticed and I immediately started browsing. I also liked the slideshow of photos with links to their respective stories that I could scroll through on the homepage.
The fact that I could view the .pdf version of the last issue of the magazine was also a really cool feature, as well as being able to look at past issues. Seeing the full-color, full-fledged version of the magazine helped me connect with your school and town, both of which I had never even heard of before this assignment, which is amazing.
The current issue and last updated dates on the top are also a nice addition. If not for those I’m sure I would have felt a little lost.
Aside from the site is the coverage itself. I could tell that the stories all were very relevant to your readers, which also contributed to my feeling connected to your school. The columns in the actual magazines were also refreshing to say the least. And the “Now Playing” section title was very inventive. Who isn’t a fan of word-play? (See what I did there?)
Overall, great site, great coverage, great magazine. Keep it up.
Ryan Silver