Students have the opportunity to receive four different types of pillars for their hard work in a specific area. The four pillars of Arete are “Academic Excellence- Exemplary Grades,” “Athletic Sportsmanship- Collaboration and Model Participation in Athletics,” “Club/Extracurricular Service- Dedication and Leadership to Extracurricular Activities,” and “Productive Citizenship- Civic Responsibility and Community Involvement.”
“You can locate your pillars at the front doors and drop them off in the blue box in room two,” said Ms. Amy Zykan, the head of the Arete faculty committee.
Arete forms are due by Oct. 25.
“Students need one pillar per year to participate in activities,” said Mrs. Danna Tedder, an Arete faculty committee member.
Students who have received all four pillars throughout their high school career will be eligible to receive the cord at graduation.
“I think students who haven’t joined Arete yet should join because they should receive the recognition they deserve for accomplishing all the positive things they do,” Mrs. Tedder said.
Any students who are interested in becoming part of the Arete student committee can ask Ms. Zykan for applications.
“The committee will occasionally meet right before the events take place,” said Mrs. Tedder.
The two events that Arete run are the breakfast in November and the field day in March. Student members participating in the field day will be released from class a few hours earlier. They can socialize, eat, and play on inflatables with their fellow members.