In The Sense of Young Love

Is the idea of love even worth it?

As a couple walks through the park. The two teens hold hands.

As a couple walks through the park. The two teens hold hands.

Love. Is the idea of high school love even worth it? We as teenagers are already crammed with school, family, and extracurricular activites so is there any room in that busy schedule to deal with a relationship. And not only that but is having a relationship even worth it?

If you think about it love has ups and downs. On one hand, you could fall for someone then, in the end, get your heart broken. And in turn, you are forced to rebuild yourself and to get used to not having that one person in your life anymore. While on the other hand, you could fall in love and not get your heart broken. Overall you run the risk of getting hurt no matter how you look at it.

When it comes to falling for someone there are so many factors to consider if you are planning on getting into a relationship in my opinion, but here are just a few of those things. 1- Do you have the time for a relationship? 2- Are you mentally ready? And 3- are you ready to commit. 

For so many students having a social life is already a hard task on top of everything that is happening in their lives, so how could a relationship fit into that? Fitting in a relationship can be a lot of work for some people, and it can require some open-mindedness. Whether that be negotiating when to hang out or what is more important- your relationship or your other activities.

Being mentally prepared for a relationship is something I don’t think many people take into consideration when they are getting into a relationship. We don’t think about how our past relationships will affect us in the future or even how our own parent’s relationships can give us a certain outlook on romance and love. But knowing your mental state while walking into a relationship can be very beneficial because you know where you stand and you can be upfront with the other person about how you feel walking into the relationship.

I know for some the idea of commitment is a daunting task and it is a scary one at that. Not being able to back out when something gets scary or intense, and having to stick it through and work things out can be rough sometimes. But if you are truly ready for that big word that is commitment you should feel more confident when walking into a relationship. If you are not, you could be walking into a relationship with a chip on your shoulder and can always be thinking about “what if’s”. Like “what if I lose feelings,” “or what if we don’t work,” or even “what if I’m wasting both of our time with this relationship?”

After thinking about these three things and whatever other factors affect your life you should be able to decide if having a relationship is worth your time. No one else can tell you if you are ready for a relationship but yourself.

Is the whole idea to fall in love and to get your heart broken? Or is it to fall in love and learn new things about not only yourself but what you want out of life? I think the endpoint of love is to find someone who will challenge you in all aspects of your life from mental to physical aspects. You should find someone who is so in love with you that you could find yourself losing time with them, and it should feel like you could never get enough of that one person. But even if you do fall in love and they are not the person you are meant to end up with I believe that you will gain life lessons and figure out what you want from that past relationship. You become more capable of seeing things in a different light and you are more aware of what you do and don’t want from your future.