Prom Preparation

Seniors and Juniors have so much to do to prepare for this year’s prom.

There are so many things to keep track of this Prom season. Use this helpful list to keep track of everything that needs to be done.

The lights are shining in technicolor wonder; juniors and seniors alike are dancing their hearts out on the dance floor; Prom last year was a blast for those able to attend. Getting down on the dance floor with my friends has been the highlight of my high school career. Now that Prom season is approaching again, the excitement is building and students are beginning to prepare for this epic event.

Ryan Schwartz and Grace Bahru, seniors, strut their way to the stage for prom court.

With a new venue, price, meals, and plan, Student Council has had their hands full juggling all of the changes to Prom this year. Junior class co-president, Katelyn Guth, is very excited for all of the progress STUCO has made towards this years’ prom preparation.

“STUCO has done so much already [to get Prom ready]. We’ve put together a playlist that we want. We’ve selected appetizers. We’ve picked out all of the court tiaras and sashes and all kinds of stuff like that. It’s very exciting,” said Guth.

Students outside of the Prom planning posse are also fervently preparing for this event. Crucial planning is key, otherwise being left dressless and alone can all too easily become a reality. Most seniors who attended Prom last year recommend buying a dress, arranging dinner reservations, and getting dates arranged now. Many attendees at the dance last year suffered from duplicate dresses and unneeded stress due to improper prep. Senior Natalie Rudebeck has a multitude of wise recommendations for those getting ready to attend their first Prom.

“Buying a dress and getting all the before and after plans figured out like dinner and stuff are very important. Also don’t wait too long to get your dress, I’d definitely get it like a month or so [before Prom]. Especially if you care about not having the same dress as another person,” said Rudebeck.

Jack Patton, senior and STUCO member, is bursting with excitement over Prom this year. He is pumped to go and have fun with the rest of his class.

“I just think it’s a good way to bring everybody together. I really like being there with everybody else. Like our whole class is there. And, you know, people that you don’t always see get to talk to you there,” said Patton.

Patton has some crucial advice for all of the guys out there attending Prom this year. He knows planning can be a lot but is sure as long as the young men of FHC follow this advice they’ll be fine.

“Buy a suit and flowers and do what your girlfriend says. If you don’t have a girlfriend, just do whatever. Be you,” said Patton.

Prom is so exciting for the Juniors and Seniors of FHC. As long as you plan ahead, there is no reason to stress. It will be a blast again this year. See you there on April 14 at 7pm at Old Hickory!

Countdown to Prom!
Party Time!