While students may think using Chat GPT for their assignments is a big no-no, when senior Evan Schmidt uses AI to write some of his code for a project, he isn’t cheating — he’s just preparing for his job.
AI’s massive explosion following the release of Chat GPT in November 2022 has made many think that their jobs are in imminent danger; AI is the straw that broke the back of a still-volatile American workforce. For some, it entails the possibility of large amounts of profits in their respective business sector. The International Monetary Fund writes that almost “40 percent of global employment is exposed to AI,” and in advanced economies, that number jumps to 60 percent. But is this staggering national and global shift indicative of an already large wealth gap deepening or will it mean more jobs and a positive trend in the workforce?
Schmidt, who’s interested in computer science and cybersecurity, feels hopeful about the trajectory of his field.
“A lot of people can use [AI] not to essentially take their job, but to enhance it and make it easier doing some of the smaller tasks,” Schmidt said.
Senior Ryan Anderson, a student interested in financial planning or investment banking, has similar views on the benefits of AI and how it can be used in his field.
“A lot of finance is really just equations and figuring out if something’s gonna go up or down and usually that involves a lot of different aspects and indicators,” Anderson said. “It’s sometimes inhuman to be able to take all of them into account at the same time.”
This is where AI comes in. With the ease of navigating complex financial systems by relying on AI, Anderson thinks that the barrier of entry will be lower, creating more job opportunities. Additionally, AI can facilitate the problem-solving processes for different endeavors.
“If you need ideas or suggestions for how to approach something, [AI] is really good for that, or just creating an outline that you can follow,” Schmidt said.
Similar to tackling the vast amount of information present in the world of finance, approaching difficult technical code for computer scientists becomes easier by utilizing AI. This increase in productivity won’t just mean economic growth. Areas like the medical field are using AI to better the human condition, with each new innovation signaling a better future for the world.
Life sciences teacher Jessica Rowe has seen how effectively AI can be used for developments in life-saving technology.
“I know a lot of people are worried about AI taking over jobs, but I feel very hopeful that it will also be a useful tool for solving problems in the fields of genetics, medicine, and sustainability,” Rowe said. “I foresee AI being used to evaluate scans such as MRI because small details may be easier to detect by AI. This can help identify cancers earlier which leads to more effective treatment.”
While Rowe states that it would be naive to think that AI wouldn’t replace certain jobs in the workforce, she strongly believes that AI can be beneficial for teaching as well, a field some think is susceptible to the rise of AI.
“Currently, I know that [AI] can be used to produce lessons and assessments,” Rowe said. “As long as people develop habits for using AI as a tool for helping them learn rather than as a way to cheat, it will be beneficial.”
Innovations are made every day in AI technology, and the long-term effects of this new digital revolution are still yet to be seen. Adapting to a future of AI remains necessary, and if done so responsibly, students can look forward to less menial jobs as well as more productivity, improved healthcare and better access to education.