Painting a mirror

Painting 1 ends their semester with painting a self portrait of their choice.

Throughout our 4 years at FHC most of us will participate in an art elective, and following that some will go on to continue down the art path. On Dec. 5, Mrs. Russell introduced to her Painting 1 class a new project that involved them to acquire all of their learned skills from throughout the semester and apply it to this project. They started by choosing a self portrait, and tracing it onto a piece of paper. They then continued by mixing different paints to get their preferred colors, and then finished by painting and reflecting on their portraits. Art electives are a good creative outlet for student, and can introduce them to many new people to whom they will probably continue a variety of art classes with.

“I’ve learned how to use different types of media and how to paint from different perspectives…and I’ve also met some really good friends in the process,” Haylee Tischler said.

Painting 1 will finish off the semester with putting their portfolios together filled with all of their projects from throughout the semester.