Discrediting Is Discouraging

In competitive fields such as photography, discrediting others is becoming more prevalent.


Approaching the pit preceding the crowd that only grants access to those wearing vinyl stickers reading “All Access Photo Pass” I anxiously adjust my camera settings and waste no time preparing to shoot the show. Full of eagerness, I examine the stages set up, planning where I should go first to get my best shots, until I hear the voice of a man behind me. 

“So, who are you hear shooting for?”

I instantly replied, “Oh, I actually know the band so they gave me a pass to shoot for them”

Looking me up and down the man replied “Huh, figures,” and with that walked away.

Immediately knocked off my pedestal of confidence and excitement, I became self conscious, discouraged, and angry. Why does me knowing the band make me any less qualified to be there shooting? Why does me knowing the band make me less than you?

The simple answer is it doesn’t. Yes, me knowing the band might have made my life easier and given me a faster entrance into the world of concert photography, but it doesn’t mean I don’t work hard and put countless hours into what I do.

What it comes down to is that everybody has a different upbringing. Sure, I may not have gone to college for four years, sure I might not have a degree in photography, and yes, I don’t work for a professional publications, but that doesn’t make me any less of a photographer.

Self-awareness and discouragement both come along with being in a competitive field such as a music photography, and it’s understandable. But putting others down who have maybe had an easier entrance into the field is not.

From emailing bands publicists to the days I put into editing my photos, I have poured my heart into building my portfolio. I’ve traveled countless hours to shoot shows just so that I could gain more experience in the field I want to pursue. And not only have I put hours of work into building my portfolio but I’ve had to overcome obstacles such as losing all of the photos I took of my favorite band the previous night, or not getting shots I was happy with. 

So yes, I had connections that made my passion for concert photography grow and helped me to gain experience faster, but I work just as hard if not harder to make up for the fact that I have had it easier than others, as well as prove that I am deserving of the opportunities I receive.