Creative, chaotic stories set the tone in Games Club

Weekly meetings focus on role-playing games like “Dungeons & Dragons”

Brynn Bollinger and Aster Johnson, both freshmen, react to something Kaden Bollinger said during the Games Club meeting on Dec. 12 in Mrs. Kim Okai’s room after school. The club usually plays “Dungeons & Dragons” but also plays other role-playing games.

The suspense in the air is eerie as the DM rolls the dice. The characters gasp as the DM takes a breath and slams a mini-figure on the table. Games Club, run by Mrs. Kimberly Okai, a communication arts teacher in room 149, holds meetings in her room every Monday, 2:30-4 p.m., allowing students to meet and play some Dungeons and Dragons primarily run by themselves. 

Games Club is open to anyone with varying ranges of experience in role-playing games, particularly D&D. Each table of five or so students use their pure imagination as well as visual aids to create a story together. Edward Wilson, a sophomore, is the DM, the Dungeon Master, or sometimes referred to as the game master, while freshman Aster Johnson is playing a character in his campaign.

“I love the storytelling aspect. It’s fun and chaotic, and a lot of the time we end up yelling over each other,” Johnson said.

While Mrs. Okai allows her students to act out and explore the realm of possibility in D&D, she also sets a reasonable line regarding violence and mature content. She also believes students get a safe place to play.

“Students get acceptance by people who understand them. Stereotypes; in here they don’t have that,” Mrs. Okai said.

Wilson believes D&D is a great way to spend your time in a fun way.

“It’s a great way to see other sides of role-playing and have fun doing crazy things and to have free will,” Wilson said.

Johnson explains how DND is limited only by one’s imagination.

“In session 2, we went to the mayor’s house and he was dead, so we stole all of his peanut butter and jelly; he had entire cabinets, like 40 of them with a lot of peanut and jelly,” Johnson said.

Having unique themes completely under the control of the DM, Wilson says DND can make someone’s day.

“If your day is mournful or a letdown, Dungeons and Dragons is something good,” Wilson said.

Wilson is able to 3D print mini-figures of different DND monsters and characters as well as a DM screen, which covers the Dungeon master workspace from the other players, to enhance the experience. The players can’t see what the DM might be drawing or calculating. Johnson considers DND to be suspenseful, especially with the DM screen’s secrecy.

“When we hear him roll dice, it’s terrifying,” Johnson said.

However complicated the campaigns of DND and other games are, it’s important to state how all experience levels in the Games Club are welcome.

“Yes, we have two campaigns: a beginner campaign that Collin’s running, and a more advanced campaign that Edward runs. So we are definitely open,” Johnson said.