Ms. Baez, happy appreciation! I suppose you have been a pretty major, huge, really big help and support for me this school year. I know it’s your job and all to work with students and deal with events such as mine, but I really do appreciate all you’ve done for me. I’d also really like to say how lucky you are that you got stuck with me because wow, I am so funny. For the same reason, I am lucky you are my counselor. It is very helpful that you share my humor and don’t penalize me for some of the crazy things I spew. As you know I am pretty scatter-brained and sarcastic, so going along with it has been extraordinarily helpful. Seriously though, junior year has been a rollercoaster, but you have been a constant person for me to rely on. I’ve made growth and progress with your help and care in moving forward. So thank you. You are pretty darn good at your job. You deserve all the silly crochet objects and good things that DO happen in the world. 🙂
-Sophia Allen