Cross Country has kicked it off its season after working hard during summer. Mrs. Michelle Breuer, head coach, has good feelings about this year’s team. According to Coach Breuer, there are a lot of promising freshmen and older members who are returning. After school on Aug. 27, the team captains were chosen. For the boys team, captains are senior Zach Taylor and junior Josh McKinley. For the girls, senior Erica Grogg and junior Sydney Voss were choosen.
Over the summer, Coach Breuer usually takes a handful team members to Colorado to train at altitude. However this year, coach and 12 cross country members went to visit the Missouri State Camp. Here, coach and her team learned about strategies to prepare, ideas and expectations to meet during their new season.
“We want to show them, hey, what we’re doing is right,” said Coach Breuer.
The girls team is a little smaller than normal this year, but the boys have a slightly larger group than usual. Nonetheless, Coach Breuer expects a good year.
“We’re doing pretty good. So far, we’ve been successful every year,” said Coach Breuer.
Coach expects that there would be at least two teams going through the sectionals. Coach Breuer thinks it’s too early to tell, but she can see that certain people on the team are working hard and will make it a good season.
“We always have expectations for state,” said Coach Breuer.